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Lauran Neergaard

No easy answers on best heart check-up for young athletes

Screening may not detect potential problems

Ultrasound jiggles open brain barrier, a step to better care

WASHINGTON – A handful of Alzheimer’s patients signed up for a bold experiment: They let scientists beam sound waves into the brain to temporarily jiggle an opening in its protective shield....

Bird flu hot spot: Scientists track virus in huge migration

MIDDLE TOWNSHIP, N.J. – Huge flocks of famished birds scour the sands of Delaware Bay for the tiny greenish eggs an army of horseshoe crabs lays every spring. It’s a marvel of eco...

New evidence that viruses may play a role in Alzheimer’s

WASHINGTON – Viruses that sneak into the brain just might play a role in Alzheimer’s, scientists reported Thursday in a provocative study that promises to re-ignite some long-debated theorie...

NIH ends alcohol study, citing funding, credibility problems

WASHINGTON – The U.S. government is shutting down a study that was supposed to show if a single drink a day could prevent heart attacks, saying ethical problems with how the research was pla...

U.S. seeking 1 million for massive study of DNA, health habits

WASHINGTON – Wanted: A million people willing to share their DNA and 10 years of health habits, big and small, for science. On Sunday, the U.S. government will open nationwide enr...

Portable test helps identify refugees at risk of outbreaks

WASHINGTON – Call it a lab in a box: Researchers created a device about the size of a toaster that can test a drop of blood to tell, in about half an hour, who’s immune to certain infections...

Warming, not cooling, donated livers may improve transplants

WASHINGTON – Surgeons pack donated organs on ice while racing them to transplant patients but it may be time for a warmer approach. British researchers said Wednesday that keeping at least s...

Organs from drug overdoses could help transplant shortage

WASHINGTON – Fatal drug overdoses are increasing organ donations, and researchers reported Monday that people who receive those transplants generally fare as well as patients given organs fr...

Study finds obesity robs the tongue of taste buds in mice

WASHINGTON – Packing on pounds seems to dull people’s sense of taste, and puzzled researchers turned to mice to figure out why: Obesity, they found, can rob the tongue of taste buds. ...

Abortion is safe but barriers reduce quality of care, report says

WASHINGTON – Abortions in the U.S. are very safe but getting one without facing delays and false medical information depends on where women live, says a broad examination of the nation’s abo...

Push to better track living kidney donors’ long-term health

WASHINGTON – The big unknown when someone donates a kidney: The long-term health consequences. Now the U.S. is taking a step toward finally tracking how living donors fare over decades – jus...